2016年10月31日 星期一



近來接到消息,一些仁波且或法師及聞法點以“恭敬佛法”的名義,強行向前來恭聞佛陀宣說法音的行人收取500元一次或數目不等的“聞法費”,第三世多杰羌佛辦公室深感震驚,認為這是欺騙行為 ,為此特公告如下:

 第一, 第三世多杰羌佛在法音中已經多次明確開示:佛法是拿來解脫眾生苦厄的,而不是用來剝削眾生的。任何人只要有學習佛法、從善遠惡、利益眾生、求解脫的意願,我們都應盡量滿足,包括犧牲我自己的利益,也要盡力幫他人得到幸福快樂,更不應該論其富貴貧賤。

第二, 行人對佛法的恭敬是應該的,每個人發心建立聞法點或者供養、護持某一個仁波且、法師、聞法點,那是他自愿的發心,這是凈業的愿力和福報功德,任何人不能硬性規定,施以黑業的壓力,強行收錢,因為這不是修行人利眾為目的的行為,而是罪業的舉動。如果有人以任何方式規定聞法的弟子必須交錢才能聞法,否則不得聞法,這等于是將佛陀的法音變相地出售,這是邪惡行為,是以金錢對佛法的褻瀆和侮辱,已經背離了佛陀的教導。因為有的人本來就生活困難,有財富的人不但不能向他們收錢,反而還應該拿錢來幫助他。佛堂、聞法點不應該以聞法來逼他們交錢,而是應該資助他們,千萬不要失掉自他交換菩提心的行愿。

第三, 第三世多杰羌佛早已公開宣布不接受供養,連弟子們的直接供養都沒有接受,也沒有接受過仁波且、法師或聞法點轉來的供養,不但不接受供養,而且還把自己賣畫的錢拿來捐贈給寺廟、救助貧苦和災民。

第四, 第三世多杰羌佛辦公室也沒有接受過任何的供養,更不會支持規定交錢才能聞法等欺騙大眾、褻瀆佛法的行為。





美國舊金山華藏寺FACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebook.com/huazangsi

2016年10月30日 星期日



正宗聖法.聖法正宗臉書:https://goo.gl/EAgjW8 ​

, , 第三世多杰羌佛, , , , ,

觀世音菩薩大悲加持法會 ——殊勝無比 現場感應追記 (十八)

觀世音菩薩大悲加持法會 ——殊勝無比 現場感應追記 (十八)

佛弟子 华善






美國舊金山華藏寺FACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebook.com/huazangsi
第三世多杰羌佛藝術 第三世多杰羌佛正法 第三世多杰羌佛返老回春第三世多杰羌佛獲世界和平獎 第三世多杰羌佛法音 第三世多杰羌佛佛法 第三世多杰羌佛辦公室 第三世多杰羌佛辦公室公告


Dorje Chang Buddha is Buddha Vajradhara (金剛總持, pronounced jin gang zong chi in Chinese, which literally means “Supreme Ruler of the Vajra Beings”) and is also called in Chinese 持金剛 (pronounced chi jin gang, which literally means “Ruler of the Vajra Beings”). Dorje Chang Buddha is not 金剛持 (pronounced jin gang chi in Chinese, which means “Practitioner of the Vajra” as explained below). In English, people often use the word vajradhara to refer to a 金剛持 (jin gang chi), or Practitioner of the Vajra. Actually a 金剛持 (vajradhara) is a master or guru. BuddhaVajradhara is a Buddha. Moreover, Buddha Vajradhara is the primordial sambhogakaya Buddha whose sambhogakaya manifested out of the dharmakaya of Adharma Buddha (Adi Buddha, or Samantabhadra Tathagata). All of the Buddha-dharma of Buddha Vajradhara originated from the tathata (true suchness) of Samantabhadra Tathagata. With respect to the dharmakaya of Samantabhadra Tathagata, there is no past and no future. Without form yet not empty, He neither comes nor goes. There are no Buddhas above Him to become. There are no living beings below Him to be saved. Such is His absolute truth. Thus, the dharma-body state of Samantabhadra Tathagata is without signs or characteristics, without speech, and without form. As such, there is no subject or being who could expound the dharma. Without such a subject or being, the multitudinous living beings could not be saved.
      Because of such karmic conditions, the formless dharmakaya Buddha generated the first sambhogakaya Buddha with form. This sambhogakaya Buddha with form transformed into Vajrasattva and other nirmanakayas. In order to make a distinction between those three, the dharmakaya Buddha was named Adharma Buddha; the sambhogakaya Buddha was named Dorje Chang Buddha; the nirmanakaya was named Vajrasattva. Actually, all three are Samantabhadra Tathagata, all three are Adharma Buddha, and three are Dorje Chang Buddha. In truth, there are not two Buddhas. These distinctions are due to a dharmakaya, sambhogakaya, and nirmanakaya. Based on this dharma, Samantabhadra Tathagata did not directly incarnate. Even the ancient Buddha Dipankara and Vajrasattva were the nirmanakayas of Dorje Chang Buddha.
       Dorje Chang Buddha is also called Buddha Vajradhara or Ruler of the Vajra Beings (持金剛 chi jin gang). In the entire universe, Dorje Chang Buddha is the first Buddha with form and is the highest Buddha. That is, the highest leader of Buddhism in the entire universe came into being in the form of Dorje Chang Buddha. It was Dorje Chang Buddha who began transmitting dharma and saving living beings in the dharmadhatu. As a result, Buddhism was born and the Buddha-dharma began spreading.
       However, many sects and lineages list Samantabhadra Tathagata as the first Buddha who began all the lineages in the dharmadhatu. This way of thinking is actually correct as well. That is because although Samantabhadra Tathagata is a dharmakaya without form and has no way of speaking, the origin lies with this dharmakaya from which the sambhogakaya Dorje Chang Buddha manifested. This sambhogakaya Buddha was the first one to spread the Buddha-dharma in the dharmadhatu. That sambhogakaya Buddha also transformed into Vajrasattva and other nirmanakayas whospread the dharma in the triloka (three spheres). Because of the birth of Dorje Chang Buddha, living beings were thus able to become holy beings in accordance with His dharma teachings.
     We often see in dharma books a blue image of Adharma Buddha. Actually, this image is a symbol. Such a symbolic form is necessary since the tathata emptiness of Adharma Buddha is invisible and cannot be depicted in a thangka. There is no way to draw the shape of emptiness. The dharmakaya has no features that can be pictorially depicted. In fact, the concept of dharmakaya is the absolute truth of the universe (dharmadhatu) that is not born and does not perish. The sambhogakaya Buddha (Buddha Vajradhara) manifested out of this concept of not being born and not perishing.
      Dorje Chang Buddha is the ancient, primordial sambhogakaya Buddha. He has the unsurpassed virtuous appearance that all of the Buddhas in the ten directions have. He was the first in the dharmadhatu and triloka (three spheres) to express the dharma. Therefore, Buddha Vajradhara, or Dorje Chang Buddha, is actually the greatest leader of Buddhism in the entire dharmadhatu. He is the original ancestor of Buddhism.
     However, many Buddhists misinterpret Dorje Chang Buddha, or Buddha Vajradhara, as being a 金剛持 (jin gang chi), or Practitioner of the Vajra (i.e. vajradhara). This is a mistake in a matter of principle that carries with it a karmic offence. Buddha Vajradhara has the meaning of one who is in charge of and has supervision over all of the vajra beings. Thus, He is the 持金剛 (chi jin gang) or Ruler of the Vajra Beings, the one who has dominion over the vajra beings. On the other hand, a 金剛持 (jin gang chi), or Practitioner of the Vajra (i.e. vajradhara), is one who learns the dharma and teaches others. Such a person enlightens himself and others. The term 金剛持 (jin gang chi), or Practitioner of the Vajra, connotes Vajra Master. There is a world of difference between a 金剛持 (jin gang chi) or Practitioner of the Vajra on the one hand and a 持金剛  (chi jin gang) or Ruler of the Vajra Beings on the other hand.
       Buddha Vajradhara (also called Ruler of the Vajra Beings) has passed down dharma to all of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, who received such dharma. All of the Buddha-dharma of both exoteric and esoteric Buddhism was originally transmitted by this Ruler of the Vajra Beings. The 84,000 dharma methods that Sakyamuni Buddha taught were transmitted to Sakyamuni Buddha by the ancient Buddha Dipankara, who was a nirmanakaya of Dorje Chang Buddha. Tibetan esoteric Buddhism, which contains all of the dharma of the Nyingma, Sakya, Jonang, Kagyu, andGeluk sects, including the Kalachakra Vajra Dharma transmitted by Sakyamuni Buddha; Japanese esoteric Buddhism; and esoteric Buddhism taught by Sakyamuni Buddha contained in the Tripitaka all come from the lineage of which Dorje Chang Buddha is the original ancestor or from the lineage of His nirmanakaya, Vajrasattva. 金剛總持 Buddha Vajradhara or Ruler of the Vajra Beings is the supreme leader of Buddhism in the dharmadhatu. He is not a Vajra Master who is a 金剛持 (jin gang chi), or Practitioner of the Vajra (i.e. vajradhara).
       When disciples find a qualified master, they should visualize their Vajra Master as being a Buddha. This is done out of respect for the dharma and respect for one’s lineage. However, no matter what type of master he may be, if his identity or status has not been recognized as a Buddha by rinpoches of great holiness in accordance with the dharma, then he is not a Buddha. Still, the disciple must visualize Him as a Buddha. Even the holy and venerable Vimalakirti, who as the second Buddha Vajradhara, was affirmed as a Tathagata (Buddha) through an announcement of Sakyamuni Buddha.
       The incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha is different from the nirmanakayas of any other Buddha. Such an incarnation is a primordial manifestation of the existence of Buddha-dharma. In each world of living beings, there can be at any one time only one incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha, who manifests or expresses the existence of the true dharma. There will not be a second incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha in the same age or era. Only after the first incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha leaves the world can the second incarnation be born based on karmic conditions relating to the good fortune of living beings. For example, the holy and venerable Vimalakirti, who was the second Dorje Chang Buddha, took birth in this earthly realm in the past. The third Dorje Chang Buddha, H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu, took birth in this earthly realm more than two thousand years after Vimalakirti left it and only when karmic conditions relating to the good fortune of living beings had matured.
       Nobody can get away with falsely claiming to be the incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha. In order to protect the dignity of the Buddha-dharma in the dharmadhatu and prevent demons from falsely claiming to be Buddha Vajradhara or the Ruler of the Vajra Beings, Buddha Vajradhara must be born with His own dharma and realization so that He may manifest or express the dharma. No other Buddha is able to manifest realization equal to the realization of Dorje Chang Buddha. That is because in order to protect the true dharma, the Buddhas do not manifest realization powers at the sameholy level as the realization of Dorje Chang Buddha. Conversely, all demons lack the power to manifest such realization and therefore cannot manifest such realization.
       When Sakyamuni Buddha lived in this world, Dorje Chang Buddha took birth as the holy and venerable Vimalakirti, who helped Sakyamuni Buddha teach the 500 monks and 8,000 Bodhisattvas. The holy and venerable Vimalakirti, who was the second incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha, had the highest wisdom and the greatest ability to manifest supernatural powers as an expression of dharma. No other holy being could match Him.
       H.H. Mahavairocana Tathagata formally pronounced that the third incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha, H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu, must meet five conditions: He must successfully invoke the Buddhas to bestow nectar. He must be able to perform the Golden Vase Selection of Karmic Affinity and predict the results of that ceremony beforehand. He must be able to eliminate the karmic obstructions of disciples. He must be able to take mist, place it inside a hollowed out sculpted boulder, and have the mist stay there. He must be able to carve wondrous multicolored sculptures.
       The formal pronouncement stated that no other holy being could repeat those five types of accomplishments. It also stated that if any other person of great holiness repeat those five types of accomplishments, then Mahavairocana Tathagata’s recognition that H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu is Dorje Chang Buddha is false, and the pronouncement has deceived the public in order to build up a false reputation.
       The facts have proven that in this world there is no being of great holiness and virtue or even an expert who is able to match the accomplishments of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu. Furthermore, great dharma kings on the level of a Buddha or Bodhisattvahave unanimously recognized the identity of H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbuthrough recognition certificates. This thoroughly proves that no one can get away with falsely claiming the identity or status of Dorje Chang Buddha.
       In order to prevent demons from wreaking havoc by falsely claiming to be the incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha, the required number of many holy beings must recognize the incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha. Furthermore, many additional holy beings must bear witness to the veracity of the recognition and respectfully offer congratulations. The many holy beings who recognize the incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha must be Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, or great dharma kings. Those who bear witness to the veracity of the recognition and respectfully offer congratulations must beextremely holy and virtuous Bodhisattvas. All of those who recognize, bear witness, and respectfully offer congratulations must be famous leaders within Buddhism and great rinpoches. If the identity of the person was notrecognized by those on such a holy level, if congratulations were not respectfully offered to him by those on such a holy level, and if he does not have legitimate recognition certificates, then his claims that he is a holy being are false.
       People say, “So-and-so rinpoche is universally recognized as the incarnation of Buddha Vajradhara.” This way of speaking is based on heretical and erroneous understanding. It is not in accord with the rules of true Buddhism. Where is the realization of this rinpoche that an incarnation of Buddha Vajradhara would have? Does this rinpoche have complete proficiency in both exoteric and esoteric Buddhism? Does he have full mastery of the Five Vidyas? Which five dharma kings have recognized his identity as being Buddha Vajradhara and which ten dharma kings or rinpoches have certified that recognition? Can he show others a recognition certificate showing he is the third Buddha Vajradhara? Which several famous people of holy virtue respectfully offered congratulations to him for being recognized? No matter how high a certain monastic may be, if he does not have true realization and the required written recognitions andcongratulations stating he is the third incarnation of Buddha Vajradhara, then all claims by others that he is Buddha Vajradhara are flattery, exaggeration, and rumors.
       Hence, one must understand that Buddha Vajradhara (金剛總持, jin gang zong chi) is 持金剛 (chi jin gang, which is a Buddha). On the other hand, a 金剛持 (jin gang chi) is a lama (master). Anyone who misinterprets a 金剛持(jin gang chi) as being a 持金剛  (chi jin gang) or Buddha Vajradhara is undoubtedly placing the status of a mere vajra master over that of Amitabha Buddha and other Buddhas. Such conduct is a terrible offense because according to the sutras and esoteric scriptures Buddha Vajradhara is Dorje Chang Buddha (持金剛   chi jin gang), the Master of the Five Buddhas and other Buddhas.
United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters
International Buddhism Sangha Association





美國舊金山華藏寺FACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebook.com/huazangsi


2016年10月28日 星期五

觀世音菩薩大悲加持法會 ——殊勝無比 現場感應追記 (十七)

觀世音菩薩大悲加持法會 ——殊勝無比 現場感應追記 (十七)

在很多年以前,我曾经觀看过非常殊勝的大悲觀音加持法會的法帶,并且一直都在盼望着自己早日也能有机會参加如此殊勝的法會。终于我在2016年9月非常感恩有幸的参加了華藏寺举行的期待已久的觀世音菩薩大悲心加持法會, 非常感恩。
另外,当我回到家洗完澡穿衣服時有一個意外的發現,一年多前我的左手臂得了五十肩病,很难抬得高,转到背后就更难。虽然经过治療和運动好了一些,可还是不能转到背后扣衣服的。参加这个殊勝的法會后,我原来不能转到背后扣衣服的左手臂,现在可以慢慢的扣衣服了。当時我非常的兴奋和激动,并且马上告诉了我的先生,他也很为我高兴。这次的法會殊胜无比! 佛菩薩的加持力真是太不可思议!
佛弟子 李杏聯
美國舊金山華藏寺FACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebook.com/huazangsi




美國舊金山華藏寺FACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebook.com/huazangsi
第三世多杰羌佛藝術 第三世多杰羌佛正法 第三世多杰羌佛返老回春 第三世多杰羌佛獲世界和平獎 第三世多杰羌佛法音 第三世多杰羌佛佛法第三世多杰羌佛辦公室 第三世多杰羌佛辦公室公告



南無第三世多杰羌佛-七絕 https://goo.gl/BoVbv4
正宗聖法.聖法正宗臉書: https://goo.gl/EAgjW8
正宗聖法.聖法正宗粉絲專頁: https://goo.gl/ataHJk

, , , 第三世多杰羌佛正法, , , ,





    When the universe originated, it was boundless and everything was silent. There was no such thing as length of time or size of space. There was no shape and form, no interior and exterior, no birth and death. This is the dharmakaya (dharma body) Buddha. The true meaning of the dharmakaya Buddha is the concept of a universe that does not perish. This concept of a universe that does not perish is also called “dharmadhatutathata (dharma realm true-suchness),” which is Samantabhadra Tathagata (Adharma Buddha).
However, the dharmakaya Buddha only expresses the concept of the true essence of the universe; that is, not being born and not dying, not coming and not going. The dharmakaya Buddha has no form and does not speak. It has no way to communicate any meaning, such as meaning through images or meaning through language. Because of such karmic conditions, the formless dharmakaya Buddha generated the first sambhogakaya Buddha with form. This sambhogakaya Buddha with form transformed into Vajrasattva and other nirmanakayas.

In order to make a distinction between those three, the dharmakaya Buddha was named Adharma Buddha, the sambhogakaya Buddha was named Dorje Chang Buddha, and the nirmanakaya was named Vajrasattva. Actually, Samantabhadra Tathagata is Adharma Buddha and also is Dorje Chang Buddha. In truth, there are not two Buddhas. These distinctions resulted from there being a dharmakaya, sambhogakaya, and nirmanakaya.
Based on this dharma, Samantabhadra Tathagata did not directly incarnate. Even the ancient Buddha Dipankara and Vajrasattva were the nirmanakayas of Dorje Chang Buddha. Sakyamuni Buddha was a disciple of Dipankara Buddha. However, many sects list Samantabhadra Tathagata as the first Buddha who began all the lineages in the dharmadhatu. This way of thinking is actually not erroneous. That is because although Samantabhadra Tathagata is a dharmakaya without form and has no way of speaking, the origin lies with this dharmakaya from which the sambhogakaya Dorje Chang Buddha manifested. This sambhogakaya Buddha was the first one to spread the Buddha-dharma and save living beings in the three spheres of existence so that they would become holy beings.

Dorje Chang Buddha is also called Buddha Vajradhara or Ruler of the Vajra Beings. In the entire universe, Dorje Chang Buddha is the first Buddha with form and is the highest Buddha. That is, the highest leader of Buddhism in the entire universe came into being in the form of Dorje Chang Buddha. It was Dorje Chang Buddha who began transmitting dharma and saving living beings in the dharmadhatu. As a result, Buddhism was born and the Buddha-dharma began spreading.

The teachings of Dorje Chang Buddha led to many disciples becoming Buddhas. The five most famous among such disciples are Aksobhya Buddha of the east, Ratnasambhava Buddha of the south, Amitabha Buddha of the west, Amoghasiddhi Buddha of the north, and Vairocana Buddha of the center. There are also many other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas among the original disciples of Dorje Chang Buddha. Dorje Chang Buddha was the one who initially propagated the Buddha-dharma in the dharmadhatu. Dorje Chang Buddha is the supreme leader of all of Buddhism in the dharmadhatu.

The incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha is different from the incarnation of any other Buddha. Such an incarnation is a primordial manifestation of the existence of Buddha-dharma. In each world of living beings, there can be at any one time only one incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha, who manifests or expresses the existence of the true dharma. There will not be a second incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha in the same age or era. Only after the first incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha leaves the world can the second incarnation be born based on karmic conditions relating to the good fortune of living beings. For example, the holy and venerable Vimalakirti, who was the second Dorje Chang Buddha, took birth in this earthly realm in the past. The third Dorje Chang Buddha, H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu, took birth in this earthly realm more than two thousand years after Vimalakirti left it and only when karmic conditions relating to the good fortune of living beings had matured.
Furthermore, according to the formal pronouncement of H.H. Mahavairocana Tathagata Dharma King Zunsheng, the fourth Dorje Chang Buddha will descend into this world five thousand years from now.

H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata is the only Dorje Chang Buddha III in the history of Buddhism. This has been recognized by greatly accomplished beings of the highest order in the world as well as famous dharma kings and rinpoches from various sects who have issued written recognition documents in accordance with the dharma!
International Buddhism Sangha Association
舊金山華藏寺FACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebook.com/huazangsi








美國舊金山華藏寺FACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebook.com/huazangsi